Arun Arya
I dream of a world free of poverty with shared prosperity. The world where there is no discrimination and injustice. The world which is liberal, secure, and values individual freedom. The world that values integrity, respect and sincerity.

I am contributing my bit as a leader in governance and public sector management with over 25 years of extensive operational experience in 14 countries spanning across South Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Africa, Central America and East Asia and Pacific regions, as part of the government, as an adviser to the government and an independent evaluator, in my pursuit of improving governance and public sector management.

I hold a BA Honors in Economics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University (1983), and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (1985). Throughout my international career, I have obtained several certifications, including in Public Finance Management from the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), Data Science from the Harvard Business School, Enterprise Architecture from TOGAF, and the Internet of Things from the GSMA. Starting September 12, 2024, I am studying Executive Masters of Public Administration (EMPA) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and expected to graduate in July 2026.

My core competencies include Public Finance Management, Digital Government, Anti-Corruption, Law and Public Administration, Civil Service Management, Criminal Administration and Civil Society Engagement. I fight for providing justice and prosperity to the underprivileged.
I have a proven track- record of policy-making and public administration as part of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) under the Government of India; that of influencing legislations, policies, design and execution of government programs as an advisor to the government while working for the World Bank, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA), and German Development Cooperation (GIZ); and, an independent evaluator as part of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG).
With about 16-year operational experience in the World Bank, I have an excellent track-record in leading policy dialogues in countries like Yemen, Iraq, Indonesia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Honduras, Ghana, Nepal, Sierra Leone, and Indonesia where I delivered high quality technical assistance, analytical work, investment lending, and advisory services. I have experience of being a country-based Governance Adviser in Yemen for 4 years, Indonesia for 5 years, and Iraq for 1.5 years.
Prior to joining the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), I have worked in the World Bank as the Senior Public Sector Specialist/ Task Team Leader of World Bank’s Public Finance Management and Anti-Corruption operations in 14 countries for about 16 years. I have also worked for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), where I have served as the District Magistrate, Managing Director, Divisional Commissioner, Director/ Head of Department, and Secretary to the Government in India. I have also worked for the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA) as their Senior Sector Adviser for Water and Sanitation sector for Government of Bangladesh for two years.
about arun arya

Global Footprint




January 7, 2025
China’s strategic maneuvers in South Asia have taken a dual-pronged approach: territorial consolidation and control over vital water systems. Two new counties, He’an and Hekang, established in the disputed region of Hotan Prefecture, raise alarms … Continued

India’s Hunger Crisis: How Much Longer Will We Stay Silent?

October 16, 2024
The 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI) is out, and while India has made some progress, the findings are a sobering reminder that we have a long way to go. Our GHI score of 27.3 reflects … Continued

Joined the London School of Economics

October 12, 2024
I’m humbled to share a new step in my career journey. I’ve had the incredible fortune to start the two-year Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) program at the London School of Economics (LSE). It … Continued

Fostering Gender Equality in Iraq

August 2, 2023
Throughout history, women in Iraq have enjoyed special care and consideration to ensure their role in society is strengthened, their honor safeguarded, and their rights maintained. Iraq has paid special attention to women’s issues, and … Continued