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Ghana – Project Performance Assessment Report of eGhana Project

17 November 2016

The Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the eGhana Project evaluates the achievements and challenges of the project, which was implemented from 2006 to 2014. This initiative aimed to foster ICT-driven growth and improve the efficiency and transparency of selected government functions in Ghana through public-private partnerships (PPPs) and electronic government applications.

Key Objectives and Components:

  1. Promoting ICT-led Growth and Employment:
    • Developed the IT Enabled Services (ITES) industry to generate growth and create jobs.
    • Established enabling policies, infrastructure, and incentives for ICT businesses.
    • Achieved mixed success in job creation, with reported gains in ICT/ITES employment not independently verified.
  2. Improving Efficiency and Transparency in Governance:
    • Supported e-government applications, including automation of tax systems (GRA), company registrations (RGD), and public financial management (GIFMIS).
    • Enhanced efficiency in tax collection and company registration processes, although challenges in online adoption and service awareness persist.
  3. Implementation of GIFMIS:
    • Integrated financial management systems across ministries and agencies to strengthen fiscal controls and reporting.
    • Achieved timely preparation of financial statements and improved budget execution, but coverage remained limited to specific government funds.

Key Outcomes:

  • Significant reduction in tax evasion and improved public service delivery through automated systems.
  • Limited impact on broader economic growth and job creation due to weak private sector engagement and systemic constraints.
  • Progress in transparency and efficiency, though gaps remain in internet access, online service usage, and system coverage.

Note on Preparation

This report was prepared by Arun Arya, Senior Evaluation Officer of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), based on his field mission to Ghana in June 2016. The assessment draws on extensive interviews with government officials, private sector stakeholders, and development partners to provide actionable lessons for future ICT and governance reform projects.