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The World Bank
Governance Global Practice
Republic of Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia
January 2018 - September 2022

Senior Public Sector Specialist

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Managed the Public Financial Management (PFM) Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), PFM MDTF II, managed the operations of a large $29 million MDTF, as Task Manager, leading a team of about 25 Bank staff and 15 consultants, and delivering all planned deliverables.

Contributed to achieving development outcomes including 16% increase in taxpayer registration, 10% increase tax compliance, 26% increase e-filing, ensuring 100% revenue and expenditure transactions conducted on computerized FMIS, increase in Open Budget Index score from 64 to 70, improving capacity of 336 internal audit units to achieve Level III of IACM, receiving unqualified audit opinion of Supreme Audit Institution on central government’s annual financial statement between 2017 and 2019.

Prepared and launched a new Trust Fund (PFM MDTF III) by mobilizing $21.5 million from three donors thereby arranging resources for the work program of Bank staff working on PFM for 5 years (2020-2025).

Prepared the Digital Transformation Vision, Enterprise Architecture Blueprint, and Strategic Digital Implementation Plan enabling Ministry of Finance to collect more revenues spend better.

Developed a blueprint for linking FMIS and eProcurement system.

Prepared and successfully tested Budget Transparency Mobile Application for enhancing budget transparency and citizen’s participation using FMIS data through stakeholder consultations.

Enhanced and web-enabled Spending Unit Financial Management (SAKTI) application and rolled it out to more than 24,000 spending units which prepared 2021 budget using with improved accuracy and efficiency.

Supported Parliament in doing better analyses of 2020 budget proposals of Education and Infrastructure sectors.

Conducted diagnostic of low and slow capital budget execution and recommended policy decisions which were all adopted by the government.

Conducted PEFA assessment of Gender Responsive Budgeting to making PFM systems gender responsive.

Conducted Public Expenditure Review and led policy dialogue on Spending Better theme of CPF.